Mt. Rainier’s Message

lessons learned from Mt Rainier

beautiful in any season

Seasons Of The Mountains

I don’t ski or snowshoe (though I would like to try snowshoe), so I don’t often visit the mountains in the winter - and then it’s via a warm car.

I stick to spring, summer, and fall for beautiful days of hiking.

Weather in the Northwest (especially on the coast or in the mountains) is very unpredictable; we can have just about any “season” at any time. Rain, hail, warm sun, and cold wind can all occur on the same day. Warmth and sunshine can occur in winter; spring can present with freezing temperatures. Understanding that, and accepting it, is key to enjoying nature in the Northwest.

Foggy September Day

northwest rain

I had my doubts as we headed out to Mount Rainier on a cold September day in 2021. I was hoping to see the mountain. Knowing that weather can quickly change, and better weather was predicted, we remained hopeful.

We decided to hike in one of our favorite areas of the park (I have many favorite areas - I can’t pick just one). The following photo shows a very foggy Lake Tipsoo. There are many trails through this area, including Pacific Crest Trail (cuts through near this lake), and trails around Dewey Lake. The entire area is gorgeous - IF YOU CAN SEE IT. We remained hopeful.

fog at lake tipsoo mount rainier

fog at Lake Tipsoo, Mt Rainier Park

Is that sun I see? It is making an attempt. At this point, the weather was clearing and looking more promising for views of the mountain. Being September, it was not cold - just dark, foggy, and misty.

I love fog - quiet, serene, and moody. But today, I wanted to see the mountain.

lake tipsoo september fog

We always get to the trail by 7. Fog normally starts to clear in later morning. Patience is key. Patience and determination. No rush - enjoy the day and relax.

mount rainier fall hiking

The colors on a foggy day are quite different. The light provides a relaxing experience, with no bright sun in my eyes. I stay cool and comfortable (hot sun and I do not get along). Weather-wise, it was perfect.

The fog eventually drifted just enough to see some blue sky. The hike was beautiful and refreshing; however, we never did see the mountain.

Fortunately for us, we live quite close - we could easily return another day.

Resource For Hiking

For good information on hiking in Washington state, I recommend Washington Trails Association. It is a non-profit community set up to protect trails, and is “powered by hikers” (their words). You can get reviews from actual hikers, save your hikes in various lists such as wish lists and already done.

We are not affilated with them in any way. I am providing the link for your convenience.

Gorgeous October Day

I still wanted to see the mountain, plus I will use any reason to enter the park. I NEED time away in nature to refresh my soul.

tipsoo area oct

We returned just a few weeks later, in October.

It’s hard to imagine, on a foggy day, just what is missing in the view. The colors were vibrant in the sunshine, and we had spectacular views of the mountain and surrounding forests and hills.

Being October, the weather was cool enough for comfortable hiking, yet we were blessed with a sunny day.

Friends enjoyed the hike with us, which added to the enjoyment of our hike.

I loved our foggy September hike, with the cool, moody feel and subdued colors. I also enjoyed the vibrant, crisp, sunny October hike.

Click photos below for larger view.

Message From The Mountain

patience patience patience - then more patience

enjoy the day you are given

be ready for change - mountains are unpredictable

a dark, foggy day is just as beautiful as a bright sunny day

if things don’t work out perfectly today, try again tomorrow

October on Mt Rainier

October on Mt Rainier

Super quick and easy! Add comfort to your hiking boots or shoes. Insulated, padded inserts. Keep the cold or heat OUT.


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