Lighted Decorative Bowl

An illuminated bowl is so pretty!

A string of lights and a few decorative items can turn a wood bowl into a beautiful piece of decor. The mood lighting is perfect for cozy evenings.

Wood is a natural part of the Northwest. Bringing wood indoors adds to a natural-feeling decor.

I found a beautiful wood bowl at a home decor store, and knew it would be perfect for creating an illuminated bowl.

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Also see:
Notes From The Workroom & Trails
Holiday & Special Occasion
Floral Projects
Craft Projects


Decorative Bowl

Your bowl does not have to be wood - use any decorative bowl of your choice. I chose wood due to the look and feel I was after. It went well with my rustic end tables.

String Of Copper Wire Fairy Lights

I used battery operated fairy lights that had a power switch on the base. They produced a nice glow, and were about the right length (5 or 6 feet). I later found a set of lights with a remote control. For a small bowl, a short string works best. The remote control light strings I have found are 30-100 feet long. I will continue to search.

Decorative Items For Bowl

I had left over peach and yellow dried floral sprigs from past projects (I always keep left over supplies!). Other items I used: wood limes, carved wood balls, ivory color paper flowers, pinecones, and gold starfish.

I kept to a simple color scheme of ivory as main color, with splashes of pastel, lime and yellow. Make yours bright, or use holiday colors, depending on the purpose of your bowl.


Insert batteries into the battery box. Test the lights to be sure they are working properly. Place the battery box in the bottom of the bowl.

Place the decorative items in the bowl, intertwining the fairy lights among the items. The items you add will cover the box. The fairy lights and wire can be covered as well - the light will show around the items in the bowl.

A remote control would be handy, but it is optional. My battery box has a timer setting. I wait until evening, then turn them on. I only had to do that once. They now go off each morning, then come on again at night.

I love the beauty of the bowl in the day and night.

bowl illuminated with fairy lights decor project

Use fairy lights to decorate your mantle - and made a Christmas Cat , using our free pattern! Make a cat for any holiday.

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